Raw and Unedited: Union Square, San Francisco

Raw and Unedited: Union Square, San Francisco

Raw and unedited: Exposing my photography process

Raw and Unedited is a series about sharing my photography process with you. The first part of any photography starts with the camera. In this video I show you the photos I took directly from my camera in its purest form, raw and unedited. Flipping through these images quickly is a fun and engaging way to see the day's photoshoot in action from start to finish. My goal is for you to feel like you were there too, walking around San Francisco's Union Square neighborhood. Next week I'll share part of the editing process of these exact photos so you can see the evolution from Raw and Unedited to final product.

Union Square, San Francisco

Union Square is a 2.6 acre public plaza bordered by Geary, Powell, Post, and Stockton Streets in downtown San Francisco. Today the one block plaza and surrounding area is one of the largest selections of department stores, upscale boutiques, gift shops, galleries, and more in the U.S. making it a major tourist destination in the city.Ever wanted to get a glimpse of what it's like to walk around San Francisco's Union Square neighborhood? Watch the video below to roam the streets for yourself!