Don't Be Cruel

Don't Be Cruel in Brush Lettering

"Don't Be Cruel" is a song recorded by Elvis Presley and written by Otis Blackwell in 1956. It was released by RCA records on July 13, 1956 along with "Hound Dog" as the B-side.

Elvis recorded the song on July 2, 1956 in a recording session in New York City. During this session he also recorded "Hound Dog", and "Any Way You Want Me". The song featured Elvis's regular band of Scotty Moore on lead guitar (with Elvis usually providing rhythm guitar), Bill Black on bass, D.J. Fontana on drums, and backing vocals from the Jordanaires.

For this ongoing project I started with script brush lettering for the song title.


Using a frame from an old Anthropologie catalog, I photoshopped the model out to create a seamless background.


And the final result: